Healthy and Safe Schools (HASS) Plan
HASS Plans were created by the Oregon Legislature in 2017. The Board of Directors approved Columbia Gorge ESD's HASS Plan on July 17, 2019, with updates made on March 24, 2021 . The plans require school districts, charter schools, and education service districts (ESDs) to communicate with their communities and stakeholders how the districts are addressing the following environmental hazards:
Radon Plan (test results here)
Lead Paint
Asbestos (test results here)
Lead in Water (test results here)
Carbon Monoxide Detection
CGESD Emergency Operations Plan
Columbia Gorge ESD Emergency Operations Plan
Cybersecurity Incident Response Plan
Columbia Gorge ESD Cybersecurity Incident Response Plan Summary
Emergency Operations Plan Communications Annex
Communicable Diseases Management Annex
This plan was developed by administrative leadership, support staff and expert partners in our region. Our goal is to carry out practices that help protect the ESD school community of children, students, parents, and staff in the event of an emergency related to communicable diseases.
Please click the following link to revie the complete plan: CGESD 2023-24 Communicable Disease Management Plan
Continuity of Operations Annex
The purpose of the Continuity of Operations Annex (COOP) is to provide planning and guidance for conducting essential functions, with or without warning, before, during, and after various emergencies. While it is not possible to plan for every situation, the plan is designed to support adaptation based on learnings and the specific challenge faced. Please click the following link to review the complete plan: Continuity of Operations Annex.