Registration Link

This course is designed for teachers in their first years of teaching. Each teacher will attend a monthly seminar in which participants will investigate effective strategies to establish a culture of learning where all students feel valued, safe and comfortable taking intellectual risks. There will be an emphasis on creating systemic classroom practices that value individual learning styles and create structures that emphasize personal responsibility for learning. Each participant will establish learning goals, collect multiple sources of information to assess student learning, and guide students in assessing their own learning.

Seminars will focus on Classroom Management Strategies and data analysis.  In addition to the required seminars, each participant will be observed and meet individually with an instructional mentor-coach weekly.

The course will meet on Monday afternoons, 4-5:15pm on Sept 18, Oct 16, Nov 13, and Dec 11 2023.

The course will be offered as hybrid, with those preferring an in-person experience meeting in The Dalles, and a Zoom option for those unable to attend in person. 

Graduate Credit available.

If you have questions, or would like a copy of the syllabus, contact

Mauree Donahue Revier