The Department of Education and Innovation is excited to welcome Amanda and Amanda as we continue to meet the needs in our region!

While Amanda Parrott is not new to the CGESD, she is a new member of the Department of Education and Innovation.  Amanda’s role as the School Safety and Prevention Specialist focuses on building connections between schools, district offices and community organizations, as well as offering direct services through professional development to educators throughout the region.  

Amanda Requa is a long time resident of The Gorge on the Washington side, but a new addition to CGESD and the Department of Education and Innovation.  Amanda is an Instructional Coach and will provide services to Dufur School District and South Wasco County School District;  she will focus on supporting  the district and the educators with instruction and curriculum.

Both of them have offices on the 2nd Floor of Building #2 on the CGCC campus, but are often out in schools and in the community.